How To Properly and Efficiently Clean Your Dishwasher

 In Product Recall

Maintaining the cleanliness and functionality of your dishwasher is an essential task in every household. Caring for your dishwasher ensures that your dishes are spotless and extends the lifespan of the appliance.

From the steps worth taking to the expert tips for maintaining your appliance’s functionality and cleanliness, we curated this comprehensive guide to help you understand how to clean your dishwasher properly and efficiently. We hope these suggestions, straight from our professionals, help you maintain and extend the lifespan of your beloved dishwasher.

Understanding the Importance of Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning of your dishwasher is vital for maintaining its performance. Over time, food particles, soap scum, and grease can build up, leading to unpleasant odors and a decrease in efficiency. Regular cleaning prevents these issues, ensuring your dishwasher runs smoothly. Additionally, a clean, high-performing dishwasher can ensure your dishes receive proper cleaning.

Gather Your Cleaning Supplies

Before you start, gather all the necessary cleaning supplies. You will need white vinegar, baking soda, a toothbrush, and a soft cloth. These items are effective in removing grime and do not damage the dishwasher’s interior. Professionals advise against using bleach.

White vinegar and baking soda are strong yet gentle enough to clean your dishwasher without eating away at vital interior components and materials. Bleach can strip materials, leading to a quicker breakdown of your appliance.

Step 1: Empty Your Dishwasher

The first step in cleaning your dishwasher is to ensure it is completely empty. Remove any leftover food or debris from the bottom of the appliance. This step helps to prevent clogs and allows for a thorough cleaning. And it goes without saying, but you’ll want to remove any dishes or utensils.

Step 2: Vinegar Cleaning Cycle

Using a dishwasher-safe bowl, add two cups of white vinegar and place it on the top rack of your dishwasher. Run a full cycle using the hottest water setting. The vinegar will help to wash away the grease and grime and remove any musty odors. This step is beneficial because it controls bacterial growth inside the dishwasher, which can take place over time.

Step 3: Baking Soda Rinse

When the vinegar cycle is complete, sprinkle baking soda at the bottom of your dishwasher—about one cup will cover the area in most units. Run a shorter cycle with hot water, preferably on the hottest water setting your appliance has. The baking soda will further deodorize your dishwasher and brighten its interior.

Step 4: Detail Cleaning

For stubborn spots and hard-to-reach areas, use a toothbrush dipped in vinegar. This extra attention is especially useful for cleaning around the edges and under the door. Removing the grime from the edges and around the door can ensure proper door closure each use and prevent bacterial growth in crevices and hard-to-reach areas.

Step 5: Regular Maintenance

We recommend repeating this process every month to keep your dishwasher in top shape. Regular maintenance will help to prevent any potential issues and keep your appliance running efficiently.

How Often Should You Clean Your Dishwasher?

As mentioned above, it’s beneficial to run a vinegar-baking soda rinse on a monthly basis. But there are smaller timeframes you may follow that allow you to maintain your dishwasher over an extended period.

Remove leftover food grime after each cleaning. Ensuring proper food removal can go a long way in keeping your appliance operable. On a weekly basis, you’ll want to remove the filter for a proper cleaning. You will also want to wipe down the door, edges, and gasket to remove built-up grime from the week.

The monthly deep clean will consist of your white vinegar-baking soda rinse cycles. The buildup and grime you will see depend on how often you run your dishwasher. Wipe down the surfaces and maintain its exterior on an as-needed basis. Water spots, smudges, and fingerprints are all common, but you can remove these with a microfiber cloth when necessary.

Expert Tips for a Clean Dishwasher

Now that we’ve discussed how and when to clean your dishwasher properly and efficiently, let’s explore some expert tips. These are general best practices to keep in mind that aid you in your cleaning processes and promote a long, healthy lifespan for your home’s appliance.

Expert Tip #1

Quickly rinse your dishes, utensils, and cutlery prior to loading them into the dishwasher. This step can minimize the amount of buildup your dishwasher may experience. Additionally, if you’re dishwashing jars or containers with labels, consider removing the labels manually to avoid clogging the dishwasher filter.

Expert Tip #2

As mentioned previously, avoid using bleach to clean your dishwasher. Avoid bleach-based cleaners as well, especially if your dishwasher’s interior is stainless steel. But what about hydrogen peroxide? Refer to your dishwasher’s owner’s manual before using hydrogen peroxide, or stick to a white vinegar-baking soda rinse, which is generally safe for all interior materials.

Expert Tip #3

When removing the filter for a cleaning, ensure you replace it and lock it properly. Failing to lock the filter can cause significant damage to the interior of the dishwasher, leading to a void in the warranty if one exists. If you suspect your dishwasher filter and interior are experiencing trouble, contact a dishwasher repair service in Collier County to have a professional inspect and diagnose the issue.

When To Contact a Dishwasher Repair Service

Despite regular cleaning, if your dishwasher is not working as it should, it might be time to call a professional. A reputable appliance service provider can diagnose and fix any issues, ensuring your appliance is in optimal condition.

Repair Your Dishwasher With Gulfcoast

A clean and well-maintained dishwasher can save you time, energy, and money in the long run. By following these steps, you can ensure your dishwasher remains efficient and durable. However, should you encounter any significant problems, do not hesitate to contact Gulfcoast Appliance Repair.

We can help you understand proper maintenance steps and help address any existing issues you may be experiencing. Our team has over a decade of expertise and industry knowledge and works with a wide range of dishwasher brands and models. We have immediate access to trusted parts to perform repairs or replacements in a timely manner, ensuring your daily home to-dos are on track. Partner with us today!

How To Properly and Efficiently Clean Your Dishwasher

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