There’s nothing quite as frustrating as grabbing some ice for a cold drink, only to find that your trusty ice maker has decided to take a day off. While you may want to panic or call in a professional at the first sign of trouble, you can usually resolve such issues with a little DIY know-how. This guide will walk you through the common problems that can afflict ice makers and what to do if yours stops making ice.

Understanding the Anatomy of Your Ice Maker

Before you jump into troubleshooting, you need to understand the basic structure of most ice makers. These devices are typically in or on a freezer and make use of a few key components, including the water inlet valve, the ice mold thermostat, the heater and timer, and the motor assembly. Having a clear grasp of how these parts function together can help you pinpoint where the problem may lie and what type of repair might be necessary.

Common Ice Maker Issues and How To Fix Them

Here are some of the most typical problems you might encounter with your ice maker and how to address them.

No Ice Is Being Produced

If the ice maker isn’t making ice, the issue might be with the inlet valve. You can use a multimeter to test it for continuity.

Ice Cubes Are Smaller Than Usual

Ensure the water supply line isn’t kinked or obstructed and that the pressure to the refrigerator is adequate.

Ice Cubes Aren’t Ejecting

Inspect the motor and gears for any obvious signs of damage. If the motor isn’t running, you may need to replace it.

Ice Tastes or Smells Unpleasant

A dirty filter can lead to foul-tasting ice. Replace the filter and dispose of the first several batches of ice after installation.

These are a few of the issues you may face. Depending on the severity of the situation, you may need some help.

When To Call a Professional

While you can fix many issues at home, there are some scenarios where you may need to bring in a professional. For instance, if your refrigerator is new, tampering with the ice maker could void the warranty. If you’ve checked everything out and there are no obvious problems, or you’re uncomfortable working with water lines or electricity, have a professional troubleshoot the issue. If troubleshooting leads you to suspect that a part needs replacement, have a professional refrigerator and freezer repair​ technician do this.

Breathe Life Back Into Your Appliance

While a silent ice maker can cause concern, it’s not necessarily a reason to panic. With a bit of troubleshooting and the help of professionals, you can often breathe life back into your appliance. By learning what to do when your ice maker stops making ice, you’re equipping yourself with lifelong knowledge that no appliance owner should do without.

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